lunes, 25 de enero de 2021

The Phoenix Miracle by Elizabeth A. Garcia-Janis, MD

The Phoenix Miracle by Elizabeth A. Garcia-Janis, MD

The Phoenix Miracle is a book about how to soar beyond disasters, losses and tragedies to give compassion, love and light to others. This book is about the author’s strong belief that we have the inner strength and resilience to overcome our trials and tribulations. It is a book that hopefully helps the reader acquire haealing insights in dealing with life’s challenges. The Phoenix Miracle is considered the workbook sequel to the author’s previous book, The Courage to Encourage. Having experienced losses and tragedies, I learned that the light truly shines brightly within the darkness of our grieving spirits. Tragedies teach us that a higher force is in control. Disasters bring out the best in us when we choose to be of help and service to the down-trodden and those afflicted with its life-changing consequences. It is my hope that this book can help people strengthen their resilience within and that most of all, to know that they are not alone. To learn more or order the book: Facebook:

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Libro La Semilla Un libro para recordar - Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres
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The Seed Book

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