viernes, 20 de julio de 2018

If you can keep your head at a university, you're probably not a dead ... - The Australian


If you can keep your head at a university, you're probably not a dead ...
The Australian
Very good, almost like self-help book. Cleaning up on phantom cleaners. Anthony Klan, The Australian, August 24, 2015: Up to 15 per cent of all members of the Victorian AWU under Bill Shorten's leadership were phantom members signed up under his ...
British Students Paint Over Kipling Mural, Protesting 'Racist Attitudes'New York Times

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Libro La Semilla Libros Autoayuda y Crecimiento Personal
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Self-Help Book and Personal Growth
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The Seed Book
Libro La Semilla Un libro para recordar - Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres
escritor Pedro J. Pérez
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Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres
Escritor Pedro J.
The Seed Book

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